He is like the Wind...

As you do not know the path of the wind, or how the body is formed in a mother's womb, so you cannot understand the work of God, the Maker of all things.
Ecclesiates 11:5

This was the "Verse of the Day" on Biblegateway.com today. It reminded me of something i read the last few days. When we walk with the Spirit, in His Wind...we walk in freedom. I have been meditating on that...the context of that truth was in a paragraph about having boundaries in our lives. Sometimes boundaries seem to keep us from things but really boundaries are safeguards and actually, paradoxically, bring us MORE freedom.

Going Deeper with this - remembering Jesus' words to Nicodemus! Jesus was trying to explain a heavenly concept to Nic - being born of God, it is a Spirit thing, not physical - How beautiful is that! I was marveling last night as a friend and i discussed the state of our society...it seems like it is going down hill, fear would be easy to give into, YET, God works in mysterious ways. The way of the Spirit is powerful, surprising and amazing. Think of how Jesus spoke of the Kingdom being like a mustard seed, or a lost coin or a valuable pearl...it is something small, yet it can change everything! That gives reason for HOPE!

This verse also brings to mind my sweet Brother and his wife as they walk through the process of grief. The mourning process is a journey. Losing a child is beyond my imagination, without faith in our Loving God, i don't see how anyone can walk through this loss. The verse the Lord gave them for little Oliver before he was born is found in Isa. 40, speaking of God's understanding being far greater than ours....our earthly existance limits our perspective on eternity. I guess, i just want to remind myself - to pray for my sweet loved ones. So, J&T - not sure if you read this but know i love you and you are in my prayers! Give Madeline a kiss for me!

"I have satiated the weary soul, and I have replenished every sorrowful soul." Jeremiah 31:25


Melanie said…
LOVE Biblegateway.com ~ use it all the time!

It is Friday! Hope you have a great, relaxing, restful weekend back home in your own bed with kitty. :)
Rebekah said…
Oh, what a wonderful verse!!! Thank you.

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