Saturday Saturations: Jacob of Genesis

Been up in Genesis this month.  I am always blessed to re-read the stories found in this book of the Bible - the foundations of our Faith.  This time through God has put new lenses, fresh receptors and Heaven's version of Pixy dust over the lives of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob... and Joseph.

My heart is racing even now as I just finished reading through chapters 48.  Joseph as just brought his sons to his father, Jacob, to bless them before he dies.

I am so overwhelmed as I see the fresh humanness of these faith founders - they did not know they were God's first few boulders of the Nation of Israel, ultimately the seed of Promise was coming through them.

How Jacob's words resonated with my own words in times of disappointment and spiritual blindness, lending to hopelessness, when he is faced with the demand that his beloved Benjamin was required to return to Egypt when they would need provisions again, "everything is against me."  When in only a breath, he would be face to face with Joseph, the one who his heart had longed grieved; Joseph was right there - and he did not know it.

Then a little later... Joseph boldly, maybe with some new found insight of his own, shared with his brothers, (in my own paraphrase here): "Don't you see brothers!! You did not send me here, GOD DID!!" Oh Glory to God!!

This morning, I was struck by what happened on the way down to Egypt, as Jacob's family were on the move to join Joseph, God met Jacob in a dream.

"Do not be afraid... go down to Egypt... I will bless you.... Joseph will close your eyes."

I wondered, why did God finally meet Jacob here... to assure him of His continued provision, promise... and even personal delight of seeing Joseph before he died?  Then I thought about how the Scriptures point out the fact that earlier Jacob took note of Joseph's boyish dreams, and hid them in his heart.  I wonder if there was a deep underlying hope, buried in the ugly circumstances of Joseph's apparent death, God pressing upon Jacob, the wrestling match unfinished?  God whispering to Jacob, "Continue to have faith in your God, no matter what the circumstances!"  Maybe this is where Paul gets the idea to write in Ephesians 3:20,

"...who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work..."

He wasn't "finally" meeting Jacob... He had been there all along... working out all these things.  

How easy it is for us to read this story and say, "oh Jacob!! God is doing something GREAT!!"  

Yet... all Jacob saw was a malfunctioning family, losses, grief, dry land and empty baskets.  

How my heart and mind is encouraged through this awesome story! How sweet the tears fall down my cheeks as His Truth, His Ways, His unchanging Character is storied before me, reminding me, yet again, to rise up, look up, take a deep breath, hold fast to my faith, ask Him to strengthen my heart to continue moving forward with My God!  I say, YES LORD, Yes!


Melanie said…
Both were so full of faith and trust in God. Having faith does not mean we don't feel means we still walk out the promises of God even though we may feel fear and anguish because those promise are more real than our feelings... Joseph is amazing...his undying love and trust for for his God...what an example!

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