He's Cool Like That

God is so stinkin' cool.

Okay, see previous post - my second memory verse for 2011.  If you are trekkin' with me, you will notice the first verse was a huge one - with a big focus on God's Favor.  Now, please, don't think I am preachin' health and wealth gospel - but I am Proclaiming HIS FAVOR over me (and YOU) as His creation, His Redeemed One, His Daughter....  He is the One who heals, forgives, restores, blesses, choses, empowers... sets us FREE... see Luke 4:18-19 for specifics.  Yeah, He is still in that business. Amen.  And... You and I are apart of all that...

So... in choosing my second verse, James 1:17 - I was not trying to connect the dots and say, He is going to give me everything I ever wanted!! Nope.  (Though HE DID bless me with a new beautiful nephew on the fourteenth, and I am so overwhelmed with Joy over Micah Troy!) It was just a verse that sparkled when I read it, something stirred up in my heart and I knew... this is my next verse!

That being said; I have some braggin' to do - God is so so so Cool!!

Last night I got to go to the theatre - you know, the REAL thing! And see this....

And if that were not good enough... I was treated to one of the fanciest restaurants I have ever experienced... this is a quick snapshot of the delicious leftovers; I stopped mid-bite to take a picture before it was all gone.  Last night it looked a whole lot fancier and I had to use manners.... it tasted a wee bit better last night too... but it still is MMMMmmmm-mmmmmm good.

When I saw this evening coming together - as a gift - and I flipped over to my memory verse the last few days... I just LAUGHED!!  I think God's just showing off!! I love it!! :-) I enjoyed the play so much, i sang along to every song - I am sure my seating neighbors truly enjoyed it - and I think I smiled the whole time... because my cheeks were sore as I exited the Koger Center! It was a delightful, generously blessed evening!! 

Every generous act and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights; with Him there is no variation or shadow cast by turning.  James 1:17

He's Cool Like That! 


Melanie said…
He is cool like that!!

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