100 Acre Woods

One of the many blessings of living here, and even one of the blessings of winter (winter means the snakes are hiding deep, and I can SEE clearly through the woods) is that I live on the edge of a "100 acre wood" area.  I don't really know if it is exactly 100 acres, but it is a beautiful untouched wooded area that makes me feel like I am stepping over into a deep dark forest, miles away from civilization... and let Sasha romp and run crazy.  There really isn't anything as pleasing to my heart than to escape into God's gloriously beautiful creation for a walk, hike, trek... you know what I mean.  So, though I quite literally live in a "hood".... in about 20 steps I can step over into a magical 100 acre wood!  
These are a few snapshots I took with my camera phone this morning...
I think it is pretty cool how my camera caught the sunbeams...

Sasha loves loves loves our 100 acre wood...

I found a new road this morning...

I  love these "white" bark trees.... not sure what kind they are but I love them!

Okay, this is not the best ... but if you look closely, there is a man (or woman?) rowing on the river... this is a sport I am dying to try.  Maybe this year??

Well, I know these pictures are kind of blurry... I hope to take my good camera out soon... and take some better quality pics.  For now... I just wanted to share my lovely morning walk. Thanks for your company :-)


Unknown said…
Your walk sounds so delicious. I love the railroad pic - that is stellar!!
Billy said…
Thanks for sharing your walk today. That's a special place. I need to take a walk with Chloe now.

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