...Please Stop Me...

Ever have an experience that made you want to crawl in a hole and die?

Earlier in the week I had an assignment to lead a discussion of sorts with a small group.  It went phenomenal until I opened my mouth.  Seriously, the first half was simply powerful and tender.  God blew me away with the experience; then for some weak reason, I felt I needed to open my mouth and add something.  (In reflection, this is the point I wish I had a partner with me who loved me enough to see the downward spiral of my words and would kick me to make me stop.)  My words seemed to defuse the warm, sweet atmosphere that had warmed the room seconds before.  Not that I was saying something wrong, I simply did not need to add anything; in all honesty, it was my insecure flesh wanting to be something significant and approved.  Well, God's got that covered already, so please shut my mouth - right?! Later in sharing my horrific embarrassment with some girlfriends, they helped me realize it probably wasn't all that bad but it sure gave the Enemy and my own ability to rip myself to shreds much ground to work.

THANKFULLY... by God's good grace and mercy, He helped me through the feeling I had that I would just like to hole myself away for the rest of my life.  His New Mercies ministered to me as I repented of my pride, my desire to make something of myself; and BONUS! the lie that I was hearing that I was a L-O-S-E-R got when I read and believed this Word:

">He has made us competent as ministers of a new covenant—not of the letter but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life.- 2 Corinthians 3:6

Is not that THE greatest! And... Note To Self - "Be quick to listen, and s-l-o-w to speak..." :-)


Anonymous said…
i love how God's word shoots lies down. may i always use it.

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