You Are For Me - Kari Jobe

My goal this summer is to be Still... so that I can Know Him more, to go deeper... this song is something I sing to Him and to myself to remind myself... that HE is GOOD; I want to know Him better; I want Him to write upon my heart.... His Love, Grace, Truth... Himself. The more I study, the More I walk through this journey of Life - a precious gift from Him - the more I realize... it really is about knowing Him... Jesus, Only Jesus... and the more I know Him, the more I know myself... as His creation... the MORE I will experience love, freedom, and abundant life. Of course, in all seasons of life, He beacons to us to be still.... and I believe it can be done, I know too, that some seasons are much more challenging... yet, I love how gracious He is to us... more gracious than we are to ourselves.

He is for us... even in our weakness... actually, that is where I see Him the most... He is so very good, and so very for me. Thank You Lord!


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