Wonders of a Nap

*yawn*... not sure I am seein' straight here...my eyes a still blurry but such sweet thoughts fell into my head and heart upon waking from a good nap just now... I thought I would blog about it.

I have been having a not-so-great weekend: let me define that for you - upon arriving home from vacation I have been experiencing a lot of sadness, though i love coming home, my house is very quiet... my roommate is gone until August, sweet friends who i love dearly have gone on from Columbia and loneliness welcomed me home when I unloaded my suitcases. I was very thankful one dear friend was here Thursday night: she is one precious soul who allowed me to unload my woes... So I wasn't completely alone, but the feeling was heavy on me.

The loneliness decided to hang around even though I had two boys to look after this weekend: their folks asked me to babysit. I was glad, but I truly felt like I wanted to curl up at home and enjoy being sad and lonely, alone: instead I felt sad and alone as I ewwww-ed and awwww-ed over centipedes and possible snake sightings, encouraged them to have a water fight because it was so stinkin' hot, and thanked Chic-fa-la for indoor playgrounds and waffle fries. I made it through the weekend and the boys are still healthy and happy.

After handing over my young charges to their sweet parents, I came home and crashed on my bed. My sinus cold isn't helping.... As I pushed through this weekend, I called to the LORD. Psalm 43:3-5 became my prayer:

Send forth your light and your truth,
let them guide me;
let them bring me to your holy mountain,
to the place where you dwell.

Then will I go to the altar of God,
to God, my joy and my delight.
I will praise you with the harp,
O God, my God.

Why are you downcast, O my soul?
Why so disturbed within me?
Put your hope in God,
for I will yet praise him,
my Savior and my God.

I love that middle phrase..."to God, my joy and my delight..."

This post isn't all doom and gloom, as I told you in the beginning, the nap has done wonders for me. One, I had a simple snippet of a dream with a dear friend in it... I love how we can see our loved ones in dreams sometimes, it was so comforting to see him. Two, my attitude was better upon waking. I immediately thanked the Lord for a newness in my spirit and whatever else came to my mind; I was feeling pretty buried in a bad, sad attitude, even though I kept throwing up those verses in prayer and trying to guard my thoughts. Sometimes a good nap is what is needed.... Rest comes from the Lord!


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