Good Day

After posting such a post as yesterday, I knew I needed to report on how God made my day today a Great day! First, last evening I heard some news that put a fear in me about my finances. These days can be scary if we focus on the economy - but we are to set our hearts and minds on things above. Well, because of that news, I had a bit of a fitful night, my soul was calling out for the Lord to do something and show me what to do, if anything. He promised to take care of us - and the verse I am memorizing reminds me that He watches over me and where I am. I am standing on that!

So, this morning, I went before the Throne of Grace with a heightened need. Lord, help me and guide my steps today!

So, I had a focused purpose today, to move on the need to find a solution to my problem. As I moved, believing God was leading me to do what needed to be done, my Spirit sang within! Yes, I believe God met me and moved me. I enjoyed this day and I believe He lead me in some divine appointments. I love it! I will divulge more when I can.

Among those Diving appointments, I thoroughly enjoyed a visit to Target and found some bargains. Among which was a dish drainer that I have been needing and today I found it on the clearance shelve for $3 cheaper than I saw it just two weeks ago! I came home with a few bags and was happy as a lark! Plus, my sister-n-love called me and I enjoyed a chat with her!

AND to top it off, the sky was brilliantly BLUE today and the sun was bright - with not one cloud to block it's beautiful glow!
Photobucket Though this isn't anywhere near Columbia, a beach scene only fits this post. I am already looking for a chance to visit a beach like this as soon as I can!
"Those who look to him are radiant;
their faces are never covered with shame." Psalm 34:5


Melanie said… are sweet! I am thankful that today was so good!! :)

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