A Few New Things

It's Sunday morning - and I am enjoying the stillness of my house. I have laughed and been encouraged this morning after reading LPM's blog: I am so glad I am not the only one who feels like a complete failure during the holidays. It seems the ugliest parts of me like to expose themselves when I should be celebrating with the best! I am glad HIS MERCIES are new every morning! I want to do better this year...and well, seems I am already behind the ball on this one. Ah, it IS a new morning again, He has given me all I need and more. Yes, my heart IS feeling more content and rested. The whirl of the events of the last few weeks are settling down and I have till February to enjoy focusing on house projects - my next project is to organize my laundry room/utility area. Yes - It WILL be looking like a HGTV organized makeover!

I have a few new additions to my home - I have been wanting to post a picture before posting this but I will just have to add it later. Sasha is now the new resident of the backyard! Whew, what a big step this has been for me! I love animals, but I also love to give them the time they need. Kitty is perfectly trained, independent and affectionate with me (we have been together over 7 years!) - we communicate well. So, now, I have a six month old puppy, full of doggy energy and she is fun but oh so in need of training. I am proud to say she is perfecting the art of fetching! Madeline just loves to watch her bound after the rag-tag tennis ball I through across the yard and squeals as she obediently brings it right back to us and drops it at our feet. We cheer her on as if she had won the Kentucky derby!

Our walks are not so smooth, but I am working on being "calm and assertive" and rewarding a "calm, submissive" dog. All in all, I think having a dog is a good thing for me. She gives me someone to care for and spend some excess energy on and not so emotionally wrapped up in me. It is almost like having a baby - a lot of care and attention is needed but I believe it will be worth while.

I also have a new roommate; and it is not my mom and dad! (They were here for nearly 3 weeks - oh how i love'em, but oh how I needed some space when they left....). My new roommate is sweet and i am so thankful to have another person in the house. I do well with roommates and I have prayed God would bless yet another roommate season; ah, the fact of singleness.

It is time I get make up on and dressed for Church. I love the Lord's day, especially after having time for a cup of tea and time in the Word. Oh - this is my scripture memory verse for Jan. 1-15;

Deut. 11:11-12 "But the land that you are going over to possess is a land of hills and valleys, which drinks water by the rain from heaven, a land that the LORD your God cares for. The eyes of the LORD your God are always upon it, from the beginning of the year to the end of the year." (I had to look at the paper....not perfectly memorized yet!)


Melanie said…
I just realized that you like the Bolthouse drinks! We LOVE them!!! We make smoothies with them. H and S love the green drink!
Rebekah said…
I LOVE Tozer, and I love hummus too!!!

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