Person And Place

I had a little revelation this week.  A whisper from the Spirit, from the Father, and it delighted my heart:

Yes, my soul, find rest in God:
My hope comes from him.
Truly He is my rock and my salvation
He is my fortress, I will not be shaken.
My salvation and my honor depend on God;
He is my mighty rock, my refuge.
Trust in Him at all time, you people;
Pour out your hearts to him,
For God is our refuge.
Psalm 62:5-8

Christ is both a Person AND a Place.  See!?  "He is my fortress... He is ... my refuge."

You see, sometimes we don't have a peaceful haven to escape to - a physical place.  I think of the story of The Hiding Place when they were taken prisoners into the Nazi prisons, or if you are a young mother who can't even take a shower without a little one calling or crying your name.  (yes, i know those are two extremes) Your quiet times are few and far between.  Even when there is no earthly, physical place we can go and shut the door, He is our place of Refuge.

God amazes me sometimes  ALL the time.


Anonymous said…
wonderful reminder <3

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