Look At This!!

I am practicing with my camera and my photo skills... thanks to The Pioneer Woman's Photography tips, my confidence is growing.  My camera and I are still more or less new friends but I like what I was able to do this morning!!

This one REALLY surprised me! I could not see my camera screen very well so i clicked a few shots of this at differing angles... and this ONE came out magnificent!!  Waaa-laaa!

The yellow in this truly captures the LIGHT of the sun.  This is pretty fun!!

This is one of the many azalea plants in my yard: they are about to BURST :-) I have several differing colors to - from magenta, to light pink to white...  I love Spring in Columbia!!

I tried capturing some wisteria - which is one of my favorites but they are not quite out yet, a few early blossoms are trying to get a head start but I will wait a few days to capture some of those beauties.  can't wait to share!

Happy Spring!!


Melanie said…
Happy Spring!! Lovely!
Billy said…
Is photography one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit? You are anointed!
Let Love Grow said…
I am such a novice at taking photos that i surprise myself with one comes out really great!!
Billy said…
It makes me laugh when you put up these great photos and are like "look what my camera did!"
Anonymous said…

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