I want my Mommy

Today is one of those days I would have liked to have stayed home, to pick my toes or something.  Not sure why I am dragging... maybe it has to do with the yellow stuff coating everything like snow, maybe it has to do with the fact that I am feeling a little in need to hibernate, maybe it is just one of those times when our body's needs override our mental capacity to keep running in high gear.  It demands us to STOP.   I hear myself saying, "I am just tired..."  a lot.  To everyone.  Even myself.  Then I get mad at myself for being so weak and whining....

Maybe it is just part of being.... HUMAN.   I was going to say, part of being a woman... but hey... may as well make it completely general and include you men too.

All I could think of this morning was, "I want my mommy."  Please come take care of me, bring me hot tea in bed and make me feel cared for and loved.  I told her so on the phone this morning as I drove to work.  She told me she wished she could be here to mommy me.

Flesh is weak. It is not invincible, we have needs - created by our Maker.  We need Him.

So, I am eating a bagel with cream cheese and jelly.  I am drinking a much later coffee. With whipped cream.  I did not go to the gym.  And yes, these lovely baby seeds I so gently planted this weekend...

will most likely sprout up in my grass now.   Sasha had the nerve to destroy two of my newly planted seedlings.

Anyone want a dog?  Going once.. going twice...??


anyone there?

I think one reason I feel a bit off balance is I had a marvelous time the last half of last week.  I had some lovely peeps stay with me: 

I love having guests in my home that I get to spoil.  It is so much more fun to make a FULL 12 cups of coffee in the morning than the normal 3-4 cups I make for myself.  It is so fun to fire up the oven and bake fresh muffins, filling the house with a warm, cozy aroma.... yes.  It was a joy having them in my home.  :-)  Saying good bye is such a downer!!


Melanie said…
I have days like this as well. Pray for you!! :D
Let Love Grow said…
Thanks Mel :-) Good is good even when I want to whine.
We loved staying with you!!! You are a joy, Tammie.

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