
I confess: I hate making decisions. I also hate it when no one makes a decision. Choosing a restaurant, a movie, menu item... not monumental but still a decision. It is the monumental ones that leave my knees shaking. When I was younger there was a pretty strong teaching about "missing the Will of God!" Scary! What if I choose the wrong college? What if i choose the wrong vocation? What if I choose the wrong spouse!? I was very young when that last one became a fear in my mind; maybe 10 or 11? I was encouraged a few weeks ago when I went to lunch with a bunch of gals and we began sharing about our pre-teen/teenage loves: I was in love with Michael Hasselhauff when I was 8! Ha! It is pretty normal for little girls to dream about meeting their prince; we had some good laughs over how we saw these men through rose colored glasses. Anyone remember they childhood dreamboat? Would love to hear!

So, back to the topic... decisions, God's Will... The "what if's" can drive you insane. My friend, Stephanie, enlightened me a few years that "what if" is from the pit of hell. Seriously, that was a freeing truth. God is here and now; he holds tomorrow, He is sovereign, and He loves me. I don't have to fear, in fact, I confess it is wrong to harbor fear in my heart. I can trust Him. He wants to communicate to me and lead me. He knows i am FICKLE and he STILL loves me! He can override and work around if I really mess up, intending to do the right thing. I believe God honors us when our hearts are seeking to do the right thing. Only God can do that... Remember Joseph... and Esther... Rahab, Ruth, Samuel... Gideon... God is MUCH more powerful than my heart and mind can grasp!! There is no reason to fear.

I love Grace. I love that He calls us into a living, daily, relationship. Psalm 31:15 says, "My times are in His hands." I love that "what if's" have NO power. Yes, grace washes away "what if's". Grace says, "it's going to be okay, I gotcha ya covered!"

Psalm 31 has some more wonderful words:

"Since you are my rock and my fortress, for the sake of your name lead and guide me." (3)

"How great is your goodness, which you have stored up for those who fear you." (19)

"Praise be to the LORD, for he showed his wonderful love to me." (21)

" heard my cry for mercy when I called to your for help."

"Love the LORD, all his saints! The LORD preserves the faithful..." (23)

"Be strong and take heart, all you who hope in the LORD." (24)


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