8 Days

My Facebook Fast is almost over! :-) I will try not to binge the first day. (lol) Shall we have a "Welcome Back" Party... how do you have a party on Facebook? I think a lot of "welcome back" comments will be fun!

My roommate has challenged me about this whole fast thing: "what good has it done?" and what will be different when it is over? Hmmmm, well, it has taught me not to find "connections" through technology(or at least not a primary means of connection) but in real time with people. I want to use FB as a tool and not as a community. Finally, this has challenged me to use it in moderation. Balance... seems to be the key to all of life. God gives us so much to enjoy and use - it is when I begin substituting use of these things for the real thing. The human heart is a mysterious thing... it is deceptively idolatrous... sin does sneak up on us; the enemy, our flesh, the world ... is shrewd.

Search me, O God, and know my heart;
test me and know my anxious thoughts.

See if there is any offensive way in me,
and lead me in the way everlasting. Psalm 139:23-24


Nicole Jones said…
That roommate of yours has given you wise advice is sounds like! :) I am gald to hear that you are learning more about the relationships with people and thier importance! :)

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