Happy March!!

A New month, a new job, a new class (online), a new week: I like new beginnings! Spring is coming.... oooooh, I can't tell you how excited I am to see Spring - flowers, green grass, warm sunshine, windy days (to sail!), maybe planting an herb garden (I hope!), EASTER! Yeah, I LIKE SPRING! My heart is full and if it could have a face, Smiling. God has been doing some amazing things in my heart, I will be posting more about that later but I can only rejoice over His Faithfulness and tenderness to me. I may even be a little radiant today....Those who look to him are radiant;
their faces are never covered with shame. Psalm 34:5


Unknown said…
I've been catching up through your blog...I miss you...martha
Let Love Grow said…
Martha! I don't know how else to reconnect w/ you - no email - but so glad to hear from you! I hope you are doing well too; where are you?
Anonymous said…
Unknown said…
Unknown said…

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