Happy February!

Woah, January went fast! I am GLAD to see February come; looking over January's posts tell me I was pretty gloomy the whole month... I thought that was only suppose to last a week or so? ;-) Ah, moving forward and LOOKING forward! February gets us closer to SPRING!!! I can hardly wait to see buds on the trees, green grass and warmer temperatures!! Spring in South Carolina is B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L!

Well, I did it. My sinus's have been giving me a TIME and tonight I decided it was TIME to do something about it - the Neti Pot! You may have heard about the miraculous little contraption that makes you tilt your head to one side and pour warm saline water through one nostril, creating a fountain streaming out the other nostril!! IT REALLY WORKS!! It immediately brought me some relief too. I think I will have to do it about ten more times in the next 24 hours to flush out this thing going on in my head. Hopefully I will sleep better tonight and I won't walk around tomorrow feeling like my eyeballs are going to pop out.

You may be wondering how I am doing with the Facebook fast? Pretty good - though it is very self evident that I can find plenty other things on the internet to help me waste time. I have noticed that NOT doing facebook has forced me to cut my internet/computer time short, opening up opportunities to creatively use my time - like cutting coupons and doing homework and cleaning my room! :-) And of course... blogging.

Oh, and one more thing... THANK YOU for your comments, they make my heart smile.


carey said…
ok - I'm not really sure what you are supposed to say when you comment on someone's blog, but here is my first ever blog comment! Are you proud of me. :) I hope your sinuses are better and enjoy your neti-pot. You are such a fun friend and I dearly miss you.
Let Love Grow said…
BRAVO!!! Thanks Carey!! :-) See, it wasn't that painful. Thanks SO much, I love and miss you much!

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