"Do Everything Without Complaining"

One thing I miss about Facebook is sharing my moment by moment moods; it helps me feel not so alone when I just want to say, "BLAH!" Interpret that however you want. This morning is cloudy, cold, with a hint of a "dusting" of snow later in the day. I should be excited! But it just seems like winter is really long this year, I don't have enough layers, I want to just crab about everything... whaaw, whaaw, whaaw (I just made up that word). AND yesterday I had a PHENOMENAL time with the Lord and now the testing of what was revealed to my heart yesterday... picture me, with a mean look on my face, "NO YOU'RE NOT GOING TO TAKE MY JOY!" Stomping off.... sounding very much like Yo-Sammity Sam, "frigga,grrrr, frigga,mumble, mumble..."

As I fight to keep my joy, trying to cap my complaining flesh that is DEAD (remember, flesh, you are dead!)... I hear this whisper..."Do everything without complaining..." Guess what my little devotional guide had me read today? Philippians 2:12-18: right in the middle, I read the complete verse; "Do everything without complaining or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which you shine like stars in the universe."

You mean I can't point my finger at my co-worker and say, "he's not very nice"... and treat him so? Lord, help. I can sure agree with the "crooked and depraved" part... but boy do I need His help and power to shine like a star today because I want to be crooked right back. I am so glad it is HE working in me, and I can rest in surrender. Lord, I know I can't do it on my own today. Or Ever.


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