Thank the Lord for New Mercies every morning! I don't know who is actually reading this blog of mine but maybe it is simply something God will use to encourage someone (maybe only me?!) to remember His faithfulness...

This morning I ran across a wonderful article from the LifeWay website, entitled "Walk On: Five Characteristics of Christlikeness" written by Victor Lee. One verse he brought out really encouraged me....

Romans 15:4-5 says, “For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through endurance and the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope. May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you a spirit of unity among yourselves as you follow Christ Jesus.”

Several passages come to mind that spoke directly to me - a Rhema word to my heart! The two that come to mind are Psalm 37 and Genesis 42:36b (how often have i said this - yet we see the bigger picture in this OT story that God is all over the details to cover, care, grow and provide for His Children, God does not change, He is STILL all over the details of my life and is covering, caring, growing me and providing!).

How thankful I am that God is a God of HOPE. Thankfulness fills me that He is renewing my hope. He is so faithful.


Melanie said…
I am a faithful reader! He is so faithful! I thought how wonderful it is that no matter how much I may seem to fail in my own eyes..there is no condemnation and he always is there to pick me up, wipe me off, and cheer me on!
Let Love Grow said…
Yes, He is - He loves me even when i am most unfaithful and quite bratty.. Thank goodness!

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