The Heart....

My son, give attention to my words;
Incline your ear to my sayings.
Do not let them depart from your sight;
Keep them in the midst of your heart.
For they are life to those who find them
And health to all their body.
Watch over your heart with all diligence,
For from it flow the springs of life.
Put away from you a deceitful mouth
And put devious speech far from you.
Let your eyes look directly ahead
And let your gaze be fixed straight in front of you.
Watch the path of your feet
And all your ways will be established.
Do not turn to the right nor to the left;
Turn your foot from evil.

Once when i was cleaning house, i was talking to the Lord as i went from room to room, dusting and vacuuming. I asked Him a question, "Lord, what is the most important thing to you?", God doesn't usually speak audibly to me but, His Word says His sheep know His voice...and i am definitely one of His Sheep. As i continued cleaning, not really expecting to hear an answer, but deeply involved in this conversation, i was just finishing up the bathroom. On the back of the toilet sat a small decorative container. On top of the container was the figure of a heart - and as if an audible voice spoke as clear as day, i knew - The heart. Our hearts are the most important thing to the Lord. It was a powerful revelation!

This morning i read this passage in Proverbs - and knew God was reminding me that my heart is very important to Him. I have had quite a journey the last few years, to the point where i felt i had really lost my heart...something was dead inside of me and i was miserable! Slowly, lovingly, God has been reminding me....Your heart is important to me! As i look forward...He is making my steps firm, illuminating the Path HE has designed for me to follow....keeping me from evil and refreshing the springs of My heart. Thank you Lord.....for your beautiful Words!


Rebekah said…
You are right...what a powerful revelation! Isn't it wonderful how God will speak to his sheep about eternal things as we do the simple, everyday things of life, such as cleaning the bathroom? I love it! He's so amazing.
Melanie said…
Powerful post..Tammie! I love the Word of God and I do understand the issues of the heart. It is so easy to hurt our hearts and sometimes not even know how much we have hurt it till we feel rocky and hard. I know that as you love Him that softness and tenderness will return to you..I think it is already happening! God is so the bathroom! I find I hear Him so much when I am doing my most favorite chore..laundry..NOT! LOL
Let Love Grow said…
ACtually...He seems to speak to me MOST when i am taking a shower... LOL, really, I have heard from Him MORE often in the recent year after i have mulled over something, wrestling, praying, thinking...then when i step in under a warm stream of water and i am relaxing...He speaks!! I will have to write a post about that soon...........
Melanie said…
Hey Tammie ~ Hope you had a very blessed Saturday!
Let Love Grow said…
it has been a very blessed week and today, Sunday, even much more so :-) Thank you Mel, i pray you all have a good day too....i start regular "work" Wednesday....the school offered me the position back i had last fall! Pray for me!
Melanie said…
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