Summing up the Summer

I began this summer with a whisper from God.  It sounded a lot like Psalm 46:10: "Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth."

I knew I was facing a challenging summer.  I knew I would be alone; a lot.  I feared I would be alone, a lot.  Yet, God was whispering, "Be Still.... and Know."

My eyes bugged out at the thought; I felt very vulnerable yet I knew the Lord was doing this on purpose. He wanted me to Know Him better.  I said I wanted to know Him, but did I really want to get to know Him through being stripped of relationships that were feeling cozy; honestly, I did not like that thought or the feeling of losing the covering and safety of precious relationships.  OH, LORD, do I have to be in this place again?  

"Oh Lord" - yes, those were the words I used but not necessarily with a heart of submission.  He saw this and let the loneliness do its work.  He moved in the dark recesses and showed me something.  

He was there, and He wanted to show me He was Greater.  

My God is Greater.  

I am overflowing with gratitude that God is GREATER.  He is greater than your darkness; in fact, He is most likely in your darkness.  Your darkness may not look like my darkness, your place of doubt may rise in other seasons and for different reasons.  I can say, God is faithful and is in it with you.  He is the Deliverer from pit of despair and failure (Psalm 40:1-5)... 

So, the Lord met me this summer, helping me BE still - He patiently helped me stop squirming when I felt uncomfortably lonely.  Now, on the other side, My Loving Lord has shown me He is Greater, His love is intimate and rich, and He is for me.  He is consistent when we are not; He loves me when I don't know how to love Him and He is faithful.  These are ALL mighty life-long lessons; I am thankful for the learning curve this summer.  


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