Bits of My Day

Having fun with my New Camera.  I had an idea to chronicle my day.... these are a few things that delighted my heart this morning on my walk with Sasha.
Some Morning Glory!

These plants/weeds/colors are so cool... not really flowers but specks of orange to make it so pretty!

Brilliant Fushia

Sweet friends... this is one of a handsome set of twins... the other guy did not like the camera! :-)

Love the view... 

Where is that squirrel!!?
Singing with Raffe :-)
Smile Mommy 

Garage Sale finds... lovely :-)

I have a handsome brother - don't tell him i said so. ;-)

One of my most treasured blessings....
The picture can't even capture the amount of talent happening here...
God is so good to allow me to worship with these peeps.

"Thank You Lord for Giving to me...."


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