36 Top Memories From this Past Year

1.  Friendships:  This year was blessed with various people who enriched my life.  To New and Old, Thank You for sharing your life with mine... one can only be blessed when we open our hearts to love.

2.  Adventures:  I can already tell I may have to get more specific - so, we will start broad and move down... From sailing into the sunset on Lake Murray, to my weekend in Ashville with the girls to my first visit to Yoghut and Contra Dancing, each and every adventure was loved!

3.  Family! My whole family were here this year.  "Here" must be defined! HERE in the USA! My brother and his family were home on furlough, so we enjoyed many holidays, parties, and good times hanging out together!

4.  Four Seasons:  Living in SC has it's advantages - I loved experiencing each season: HOT HUMID FRUITFUL summer ;Vibrant, cool Fall, Snow (at least twice!) and a reason to drink lots of hot drinks and make yummy soups Winter, lovely & surprising Spring.... each season was distinctly felt and enjoyed... ( I know, I did complain about the cold winter... overall, i am thankful for those cold temps... a good reason to go shopping for new winter clothes!!)

5.  Embracing my church :-) Looking forward with hopeful anticipation!

6.  Growing in deeper knowledge and experience of my family here in Columbia, SC.  What a rich blessing!

7.  Being challenged through good, loving friends to grow.  Several good talks come to mind.... Thank you Seth, Traci, Jamison, Nicole, Robi, Melanie, Holly, Miss Georgia, ... to name a few.

8.  Walks:  I don't know what I did without Sasha motivating me to walk, walk, and walk.  It is very therapuetic...

9.  Spinning:  It has now been a year and half of dedication! I hate to admit it but I use to be a runner.... I hate the "use to be" part as I want to always be a runner... maybe this year I will pick it up again.  In the mean time, a'spinning we will go!

10.  Rediscovered my love for being tan. (deep huh?)

11.  My Home.  :-) Yea, i love making my home beautiful and sharing it with others.

12.  Pizza Party! Back in October... we dreamed up a pizza party idea... 35 peeps ended up coming. It was a success!

13.  Stomach Virus.  Yeah, it is a top memory, not fun, not to be forgotten!

14.  Ephesians:  I had the privilege of walking through Ephesians with the Ladies SS at my church.  I was hugely blessed.

15.  Worship Team: LOVE IT!

16.  Having out of state family/friends in my home.  Come on back ya'll!

17.  January Dinner with a friend at California Dreaming!

18.  Telephone Pictionary! YEAH, one of the BEST GAMES EVER!

19.  Couponing.... yeah, it's fun to save money :-)

20.  Receiving a BRAND SPANKIN' NEW VACUUM in the mail :-)

21.  Renovating my dining room pretty much all by myself... almost. :-)

22.  Weekly Girl Nights with Jamison and Traci: RICH!!!

23.  Painting someone else's home.... taking on the challenge and accomplishing it!

24.  Coming home to a beautiful fresh bouquet of spring flowers on my dining room table.

25.  Watching snow fall

26.  Walking in the snow!

27.  God providing money for an unexpected visit to the dentist!

28.  God providing a lovely job change in March, to work with my school schedule.

29.  Fun times working at McAlisters!

30.  Watching the opening of the Winter Olympics!

31.  Seeing friends I have not seen in a few years!! (McKinney's!)

32.  Starting my 36 year on the beach...

33.  Picnic on the Point

34.  September Sailing Day: A-M-A-Z-I-N-G (with Carey, Bintu, Matt and Tom!)

35.  This picture:

36.  GOD's Love for me..... can't even count the many ways He has made Himself known to me this year.  Oh How He Loves.....


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