Saturday Saturations - Excerpts from Nee

"How do we abide? "Of God are ye in Christ Jesus." It was the work of God to put you there and he has done it. Now STAY there! Do not be moved back to your own ground. Never look at yourself as though you were not in Christ. Look at Christ, and see yourself in Him. Abide in Him. Rest in the fact that God has put you in His Son, and live in the expectation that He will complete his work in you. It is for Him to make good the glorious promise that "sin shall not have dominion over you." (Romans 6:14)"

But by His doing you are in Christ Jesus, who became to us wisdom from God, and righteousness and sanctification, and redemption, I Corinthians 1:30

I am greatly enjoying Nee's book; a beautiful stroll through the doctrine of Romans. It is like sitting down to a rich banquet with several courses to enjoy slowly. A banquet can only be enjoyed when it is experienced slowly, savoring each moment and bite. I think our western buffets miss the mark of what it means to have a banquet... somehow I don't see our heavenly banquet as a meal in which a person ravenously scarfs down the delicate and delicious morsels on the table. A banquet entails great preparation of the food as well as the guest.... a proper seating, an order of courses and deliberate interactions with the guests. It really isn't about the food but about the whole experience. I am digressing here but this is what I am seeing in my head; Nee is setting up the banquet and serving up the courses of Romans. It is a rich experience. This is the course I enjoyed this morning.... "By His doing (I am) in Christ Jesus... "


Anonymous said…
Tammie, your writing has been a comfort esp with all that now means to me. I am soaking up your words as they speak to my soul...thanks for your honesty but also pushing Jesus to the forefront.
Girl can't wait for that heavenly banquet;) Thanks for these thoughts. I needed that reminder to WAIT. I'm so ready for this season of my life to be over, but God is teaching me so much in this time. You have reminded me to patiently wait for God to do His good work in my life. Thanks girl!
Mark said…
If you don't publish a book full of these wonderfully insightful and delightfully inspiring blog posts one day, you will be doing the world a MASSIVE disservice.
May the Lord continue to bless and guide your life every day, not just for your own growth and happiness, but for our enrichment in reading about it! :-)

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