One of Those Days

Today has been a battle. You ever read "Alexander's Terrible horrible very bad day"? I thought about that book today especially the line at the end of his entourage, as he says, "I want to move to Australia" - as if in Australia, there are NEVER bad days. My line today was, "I want to move back to Jacksonville..." where i envisioned warm sunny beaches... beautiful sunrises and lovely sailboats adrift on the many waterways of that city. Though my day was NOT really terrible, horrible, or even very bad, I was definitely heavy-laden this morning. So, I went to battle.

I went through the armor God provides; His Truth, His Righteousness, His Salvation, His Peace, Faith and the Sword of His Word. I thanked Him for His promises that He will never leave me nor forsake me; and thanked Him that He is my Shepherd and I am safe under His Wings. I also called on a friend to pray for me. What precious tools He provides us to STAND and be Strong in His Might. It doesn't mean you won't feel the winds of the fight.

The root of the battle was dealing with fearful thoughts - fear, what a flaming arrow of the enemy. I should be familiar with that one! So, the battle went on; but by mid-morning I began to feel better. I knew I was physically tired as well so I didn't beat myself up too bad for feeling so defeated. It has been a while since I have had such a morning. But, in the midst of it, this warrior felt very much like a child... full of weakness, in need of someone to wrap their arms around me and hide me from the fray. And ALL of this, was happening INSIDE of me - no one could really feel the battle or know it from the outside - except maybe I looked a little less perky today.

So, after getting home from work, I knew I needed to take care of some of my personal "gages." I was running on low. I took a good nap, made myself eat a healthy meal, talked to some sweet friends of mine on the phone, stayed home, read my Bible, and listened to another message by John Piper. In that message, he took us to this passage:

But as for me, I will watch expectantly for the LORD;
I will wait for the God of my salvation
My God will hear me.
Do not rejoice over me, O my enemy
Though I fall I will rise;
Though I dwell in darkness, the LORD is a light for me.
I will bear the indignation of the LORD
Because I have sinned against Him,
Until He pleads my case and executes justice for me
He will bring me out to the light,
And I will see His righteousness. Micah 7:7-9

Isn't that beautiful? My God hears me! My enemies will not gloat over me, my failures, and darkness will not hide HIS LIGHT; even when I sin, and deserve His wrath, HE is the one who pleads my case, takes care of the justice and brings me out into His Glorious light, so I CAN SEE HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS!

May we have EYES to see and EARS to hear our Glorious God. I may still move back to Jacksonville, but I don't want to miss ONE DAY of what God has for me here and now!


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