Times - Tenth Avenue North

I dedicate this to my dear friends, The Lipscombs. These friends of mine are walking through some of the darkest days of suffering. - I love you guys and am praying for you!

This song reminds me of the beautiful Truth God has been teaching me through Isaiah 41:10. So many times when we go through something hard, or a struggle or something just slams us to the ground and knocks the spiritual breath out of us - our adamic nature begins to look over our shoulder and say, "who is responsible for this? or why did this happen? or is this for REAL?" Blaming, seeking a solution or resolution, the "why did this happen" question can kill us - because there are no answers. It is natural for us to seek resolve for our hurts and painful "holes" - we have to plug them up so they aren't so gaping and vulnerable.... We do this with all sorts of things - doctrine, reasoning, or physical things such as possessions, relationships, substances: but Jesus designed us to live through and in Him and by Him. He is the One who completes us and fills us; He wants to fill these holes - and man, sometimes that is the last place we look. It sounds so easy, "Jesus will fill all your holes." But, Isaiah 41:10 has helped my perspective as well as a person in my life who has challenged me to consider how I perceive God. What is my image of Him? Am I looking through a truth lens or am I shurking beneath my painful "holes" trying to take care of them myself? Isaiah says "Do not fear for I am with you." Think about that; we live in a place that is NOT Heaven, this place is under the reign of Satan - bad things happen here! We live here! Jesus told us to be not of this world - we are His, citizens of another country. We are not protected by the "laws of this country" - we are aliens, in fact, we could truly see ourselves as "enemies of the state!" BUT....We do not have to live in fear for God is WITH US!

God is with us.

God IS with us....in and through our trials, suffering, chaos, questions, doubt, fears, pain, all that we experience. He, Our Maker, Redeemer, Saviour, Shepherd, Love, Conquerer and Coming King is with us and He loves us more than we can grasp; I pray that I grasp a bit more of how high, wide, deep and far is His love today. I pray that for you too.

God's timing and prompting is incredible. My friends, the Lipscombs have been battling cancer this past year and two months. Mr. Lipscomb was diagnosised with pancreatic cancer a year ago January. His wife and i have been blessed with a special friendship that i treasure. I have prayed with her and all the family as they have taken this battle face-on, asking and believing God all the way. I knew things were getting worse the last few months and even weeks but i had not heard anything. My communication with Robi (wife) is random, knowing she is dealing with so much and there is not much i can actually do from a distance, I would call when she came to mind. David Lipscomb entered the Gate of Heaven this past Wednesday - I did not know until just about 15 minutes ago (Saturday, Feb. 28). It was assumed I had heard through a website they had set up but I had gotten disconnected with that a few months ago when i changed and shut down my old email.

This past week I had a heavy cloud over me. I could not figure it out or shake it, it was just a heaviness that started last saturday. Now, I believe I know why. My sister was holding her husbands hand as he was stepping on the first steps of the stairway to Heaven. It really blows my mind....it is only GOD; There IS no other explanation for it.

I am heading to Nashville tomorrow to go to the memorial service. I kind of knew it would be soon, I just didn't think it would be tomorrow. Pray for me as i make this trip that I would be a loving support and encourager to my dear friends. Our Times are in HIS HANDS.


Juanito said…
what a special soul and kind heart you are that I can call friend - I will pray for you and them and a blessed, effortless journey. - John

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