A Dryer!

I have a DRYER!! My wonderful dad kept telling me he could find a dryer for a good deal; i was ready to buy one new from Home Depot a few weeks ago. I have enjoyed hanging out my laundry but having several days of unpredictable weather, a dog who LOVES to play "pull all the clothes off the line," and at least one trip to my brothers to get my laundry done had me pining for this useful machine! But, because I truly did not want to spend at least if not more than$300 on a new machine, I trusted my dad's word and waited. It was WORTH it! $50 and a little trip up from FL - Dad delivered! I have a fantastic, wonderful, good dryer sitting in my utility room! Yeah DAD! So, today I did my first few loads of laundry in my new dryer as the day was a bit overcast but it was more about TIME than inclement weather. I won't forego using my laundry line if the weather is nice and I have the time. It is a good way to save energy, enjoy God's beautiful creation and just slow down and take in the moment. We don't have too many moments to do that so I seize them when I get the chance, and it could be an opportune teaching moment for Sasha - NO PULLING CLOTHES OFF THE LINE! BUT, today I was singing praises to God for my delightful dryer!


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