Dancing In The Rain

Good Morning Blogging World, Friends, strangers, Fellow Trekkers.

guess what. It is raining again. Yep. You would think i lived in Seattle. I have always wanted to go there anyways; someday I will make it there. So, I am getting a taste of it. I am enjoying my morning sitting in my oversized chair in my living room, listening to the raindrops hit the tin roof of my "carport" - There is a wonderful cover for my car - it is not a garage but it nicely protects my car from the elements. I have heard of some folks who have lived overseas where their houses did have a tin roof, and the relaxing sound of a rain is something they miss - so they actually put up a piece of tin outside their bedroom window so they still have that sound when it rains. It is a nice sound, though this week i confess, the dreary cloud cover and cold about did me in. Did you know that there are more suicides in the NW part of our country than anywhere else - because of the lack of sunshine. I need sunshine; it just makes me happier! But I am embracing the day with the clouds and rain - I am tempted to go out and find a Panera or something; my house is cozy but I would enjoy seeing some people today and a cup of soup would be perfect. Maybe I will.....

Some updating for those who keep up with me:
I am being very faithful - with the help and encouragement of a dear friend - in my spinning class. It has been about 6 weeks now! I am glad to have found something to get me sweating and staying in shape. I miss running but have lost something that drove me to run; I plan on picking up running again as the days get longer and warmer. Scales are stupid. My sister in law has been working on a diet - lifestyle change to loss weight and posting about it. I thought, I will see how I am doing and weight myself weekly - surely I will see some pounds drop with all the exercising I am doing. Nope. Seriously, I weighted like three different times and NOT hardly a oz difference. I felt like taking a sledgehammer to that contraption! No more weighting for me. If the clothes fit, I wear them - if not, I will give them away or something.

Sasha is growing and so pretty! She and I are having fun and she is learning to be a good dog; I am learning to be consistent and the "Pack Leader." I was excited to run into a fellow dog whisperer fan yesterday on the trail i usually take her on - his dog was so well mannered and happy. As soon as I complimented him on his dog, he gave credit to the dog whisperer method and went on and on about how great his method is - He proclaimed he was a dog whisperer disciple. (Hmmm, challenging to me as I think "Do I talk about being a Disciple of Jesus that enthusiastically and is Jesus so obvious in my life that people want to know what I am all about?) So, he gave me a helpful tip on working with Sasha - a different kind of collar. I have been debating this for a few weeks but that was all I needed to follow through - I went to Pet Smart last night and got a new collar. I will let you know how it works!

School is wonderful this semester. Honestly, my classes are so great, I can hardly wait to get there and homework is so fun. Through each of my classes, God is doing some HEART work in me. if you want to know more, I will be happy to share but this blog entry is already getting long!!

I am in need of work. God has blessed me with resources to take care of myself today. God keeps reminding me when I start to panic about my income, "Don't worry, I will provide what you need." Needless to say, I am truly living more frugally than I have ever done before, am cultivating a thankful heart and trusting God to meet all my needs. I am lacking nothing today! I praise Him! I do need work to take care of tomorrow. He says, "don't worry about tomorrow." I would appreciate your prayers for this. Thanks!!

Thanks for reading my blog - I love your comments and I am so thrilled when you tell me, "I read your blog!" :-) It just makes me happy to know someone is listening...and I want to listen back so, please comment or call or point me to your blog or whatever. May RAINDROPS from Heaven Pelt all over you today!


Anonymous said…
It's supposed to rain here tonight and tomorrow night. You gave me something to think about, is mylife relfecting Jesus so much, they as me why? So I can say to them it's because I am a disciple of Jesus. Talk to you later. Glen and I are starting a second round of our marriage smallgroup at Friendship. We'll have Will and Alicia, the Kirtley's, a new couple, the Cook's and Jacqui and Jonathon. We start this Sunday night.
Melanie said…
I read your blog!!!!

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