A Fresh Word

Yesterday was a great day. I couldn't NOT make a note of it. I have been making a mindful effort to work on memorizing scriptures - two a month. The LPM blog sent out this challenge as our new years challenge - to make this truly a JESUS year, to be transformed daily - this means, washing out minds with the Word of God. I can testify that as I have made this effort, I have felt more steady in my days and hope and joy are bubbling over the rim of my heart.

So, yesterday - I woke in a happy mood but i had a few strings of "worry" that were trying to keep the wings of my heart from experiencing the beautiful winds of the New day. I had one of those "moments in time" as i was getting ready for my day. You know, like when it feels like someone pauses everything, the scene is frozen and etched in your mind, and God speaks Life - and you have a choice to receive it or ignore it. I was in the hallway between the bathroom door and my office door and the words of my verse this week, Isaiah 41:10 exploded in my mind...."Do not fear for I am with you..." God took it deeper - as if He said, "don't you see, I AM WITH YOU, nothing is too hard for me, I WANT to bless you, it is up to ME, I am GOOD - Will you trust me?"

I had a choice to make. I chose to trust and it felt as if a physical shift was made in my soul. A very positive shift....

Now, as if that weren't enough to set my eyes on the eternal, my school has daily chapels and i try to make as many as i can. They are truly special - amazing worship times, good spiritual food and wisdom, a great community builder. The president of our school spoke yesterday and guess what the very first words that came out of his mouth for his message? "Who are you trusting?" It hit me square in the face and heart - the same challenge the LORD had spoken to my heart that morning. The message was powerful and the Spirit truly moved in many hearts as he gave us a very good and strong message, reminding us WHO OUR GOD IS!

The Lord Jesus Christ is so worthy of our Gaze; may our gaze be fixed upon Him in these tumultuous times. He hasn't changed; He is still powerful, Good, and among us. He truly is our God!


Rebekah said…
He is worthy of our Gaze...I love this!
Anonymous said…
He is who He says He is.

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