Holy Moments at Stop Lights

Happy Wednesday!

Tomorrow I get to get on a PLANE!! I am a little excited.  Now..., to get a few loads of laundry done, install my new oven, clean my room, plan for my pets care.... the list continues but I will stop there.  I am looking forward to a few days with my dear sister (in heart), Sue and disengaging from "my world" here.  Not that "my world" is bad, I have just been running on overdrive and going away will offer a nice reprieve. :-) I may not even take my computer... maybe....we'll see.

I wanted to blog about something God did last week.  He is so incredibly amazing.  :-)

You know how it goes, you find yourself in a season of joy, happiness, strength.  Or at least that was what I have been experiencing since December-ish.  It's as if God opened up a joy window in heaven and deposited some on my heart/head: it's glorious!

Yet, if you have been trekkin' with me here, this hasn't just "happened" - He has been doing some work in me over the last few years and I am tasting the fruit of His Truth in a big sweet way.  It's delicious: I am so free!

So, last week, I sensed a little heavy cloud over my head.  I did not really have a reason to feel down so I chalked it up to hormones, or just being human.  Even so, by the 4th or 5th morning of this heavy cloud, I face-planted myself on my carpet and called out to the Lord to help me.  I fought to keep Truth in my head and my eyes set on things above.

That was Thursday, and I had an appointment to see my dear friend across town.  The heaviness stayed over me as I drove to see her.  She is one of my memorizing buddies this year and I wanted to be able to say my memory verse to her when I arrived.  I pulled out my little memory verse spiral thing, and flipped to my last verse: Romans 8:28-32.

Thankfully, I was driving through downtown, and at each stop light, I focused on a phrase of the verse and started reciting them out loud.  About the third or fourth light, the Holy Spirit showed up and I did not even have the sunroof open!!!

He started opening those familiar verses up to me like never before!

Here is the bottom line: those precious lines from God's Word tell me ...

Nothing new to you? Well, yes, I must say, I have heard that phrase before.  It sounded great, I liked it, but THIS was HIS WORD giving this phrase a Powerful Punch, a Foundation, a Force that lifted my head and dispelled that stupid dark cloud of heaviness that was hanging over me!

I started shouting His Praises: the other cars around me, for sure, thought I was drunk or driving under the influence.  It was GREAT! By the time I knocked on my dear friends door, I was busting at the seams to tell her What God just did!!

Okay, incase you missed it:

If You are in Christ, the Father as Called You... and planned to form you in Christ's image...

He has actually already Done it, so, right now...as He is lookin' at you... (and He IS!)
You are as beautiful and as precious to Him as His Son, 
Jesus Christ.  

Praise the Lord for Stop Lights!!


Melanie said…
What an incredible truth!! He loves me just as much as He loves Jesus!! whew! It is awesome!! We just need to walk in it..and believe!! I believe it..and it is a life changing truth! awesome!

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