Getting Untangled

"Let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us."Photobucket
This picture reminds me of what God has been teaching me in the last few weeks - that of trusting Him, receiving His Grace and resting in His hands. It seems that the most basic of lessons in our faith are the ones we forget so quickly - Hebrews 12 has been ringing in my ears this last week as I am enjoying His Grace and Love in a fresh way. I am realizing how quickly I like to take over and run ahead or in a direction that isn't what God has directed, then i find my self in a tangled mess. God's way is perfect; I need to just rest there! I pray I don't forget this lesson too quickly and just rest like this little kitty before getting all tangled up!

"He who the son sets free is free indeed!"

PS - If you stay on this blog long enough you will hear (if you allow the music to play) a few great old songs....lately I have found I totally love the songs from back in the 40's ...Frank Sinatra, Nat King name a few; I added a few of those tunes! I love 'em! I hope you enjoy them too!


Melanie said…
"He who the son sets free is free indeed!"....amen!
Anonymous said…
ah to be free...

P.S. I have been into songs from the 40's too lately. Pretty funny. I found jones college radio here in FL.

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