Sarah McLachlan-Ordinary Miracle

A few years ago a newer version of Charlotte's Web was released. I love this story and when i heard Sarah McLachlan singing this song in the T-day parade a month before the release of the movie, i was in love! I could NOT wait the see the new movie, nor could i wait till the release of the soundtrack - music has a way of grabbing my heart and this song did that!

As a Daughter of the King, this song fits even more perfectly. We, of all people, can celebrate our Creator for "ordinary" miracles - GIFTS of joy and life and beauty every single day. Tonight, I am not necessarily in a the best mindset or mood - actually I am kinda hungry for some good company, but i needed to remind myself of some of "My favorite things" and tell my Soul - "Why are you downcast? Put YOUR hope IN GOD!" So, here ya go ole soul of mine, God has given you so much to be thankful for, so Get to rejoicing over His Ordinary, (shall we say - EVERYDAY CONTINUAL UNFAILING LOVE) Miracles!


Melanie said…
I like your new look!

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