Faith Booster

"Does He who implanted the ear not hear? Does he who formed the eye not see? Does he who disciplines nations not punish? Does he who teaches man lack knowledge? The LORD knows the thoughts of man; he knows that they are futile...." Ps. 94:9-11

Such an Israelite am soon as the going gets rough, "oh Lord why is it so hard!" This morning i rose early, greeted the sun and ran on one of my favorite running trails in Columbia.  It is a beautiful morning and the worries of yesterday are covered with New Mercies and prayer.  

God encouraged me this morning as i looked over some of my facebook contacts and a few other sites i visit regularly: I was reminded of some old friends who are HUGE in their faith and are living on the edge for the LORD.   

Several years ago i went out west with a good friend and her son.  One of our destinations was the GRAND CANYON.  We arrived just at sunset and we pulled over at one of many spectacular lookouts.  I have always been a little brave and tomboy-ish so i could not resist climbing out onto a precipice away from the security of the rails.  My friend took a picture of me, standing out on this ledge with the sun in front of me....when the picture was developed, i had my hands outstretched to the sides and the sun was shining over me and making a cross with the sun beams!  It was so cool, I love that picture.  Me open wide, a cross covering and shining on me!  

God seems to like to take me to the I can see how Great HE is, and so I can be made more into the Image of Jesus (Romans 8:28-29).  The edge (of myself!) is scary but exhilarating as i know my life is in HIS Hands and HE has so much for me.  But I can only receive this when I abandon myself to His Care.  How much the Israelites miss because of unbelief.  HE loves me so much because of HIS great love for me....i don't need to fret. 
 "He rescued me because He delighted in me!" Ps 18:19b  

May i be faithful....oh what a blessed thought to know He IS faithful even when i waver.  Let's see what He instore today!!


Rebekah said…
Oh, your faith inspires me! Thank you.
Thank you. Isn't it wonderful that we can indeed abandon ourselves to Him because.... He is faithful!
Melanie said…
Hope you had a lovely weekend! I was thinking of you! Sunday probably can be hard..being away from your old church. Just remember it took time to forge the relationships you did here in Florida..and it will take time to start over. Be patient. :)

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