Walking In Confidence

LORD, you have assigned me my portion and my cup;you have made my lot secure.6 The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places;surely I have a delightful inheritance.7 I will praise the LORD, who counsels me;even at night my heart instructs me.8 I have set the LORD always before me.Because he is at my right hand,I will not be shaken.9 Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices;my body also will rest secure,Psalm 16:5-9
This new year i decided to read a Psalm everyday along with my other devotional readings. This morning, being the 16th of January, this was the passage i read. I must testify! God is bringing healing and wholeness to me! Over the past few years, i have gone through a season of feeling very distant from my Lord. The cozy, warm places i have always enjoyed with the Lord felt cold, dark and misdirected. Doubt and confusion rose up in my soul. Instead of breaking through, i felt myself getting hard and skeptical - how i hated this but even though i have prayed and continued to stay in the Word daily, this season continued to a point that i felt i was becoming a person that looked little like my Lord and i was losing this battle; all i saw was something foul, someone i did not want to be but felt powerless to change..."oh God, please Help" was a continual prayer!With this new year, i have felt a breakthrough come - with I Corinthians 2:12 coming alive to me, with fasting and prayer and a recognition of some faulty thought patterns - i am knowing Victory and a freshness in my soul! Then this passage this morning...i will rejoice over His Love for me! He is holding me, i will not be shaken! He truly is my Rock, to whom i can continually go...in fact, i can make it my place of habitation! (Ps. 71:3)I praise Him too to be able to share this. I see this as a healing point, and a place i can remind myself - The Victory is Mine and we will press on! It is vulnerable thing to share too - but as we share what GOD has done, and His Glory is Praised - maybe it will encourage someone else to press on and up and not to give up!


Melanie said…
Hey Tammie ~ like your blog! I really enjoy mine a lot. I 'tagged' you. If you want to participate you may..if not..that is quite alright as well. Blessings!
Let Love Grow said…
You inspired me with your beautiful writing! :-)

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