Happy New Year!!!

Okay …I know, I am a little late! (Better late than never?) J I wanted to send out a newsy letter to fill you in on what has been happening in my journey.

Baby Kitty and I are doing pretty well – she is getting more plumb (my roommate calls her “Fat Kitty” – this hurts her pride but she looks awfully pretty being plumb I tell her!) She continues to improve on her baseball skills – she likes to play paper ball in the evenings. She sits and stares at me until I crumble up wads of paper and flick them across the room. She dives and bats them as if she were playing in the World Series! I have to get a camera some day to capture the action…maybe the recent World Series motivated her?? I have noticed she actually watches tv sometimes…maybe she was watching this past fall while the Rockies got beat up by the Sox? She also likes to practice her hockey skills….i lose more earrings on account of her using my dresser as her hockey field and my earrings as pucks! (I penalize her when she decides to play this in the middle of the night …) J

As you know, 2007 was a year of variety for me! Traveling to Africa and then Italy – both trips were an endeavor to explore God’s calling on my life. With each trip, I have come to understand and rest in the fact that God wants me to serve Him here in this Land – the USA! I also know my heart has been designed to minister to people in their needs: I enjoy hearing where a person is in their journey of life and speaking into their life Words of Truth.

Isn’t it amazing how God works - God usually has to minister to OUR needs so we can be a minister to others. I believe the trials and struggles I have gone through and will face in the future are to be used to minister to others. In our comfort we are able to comfort others.

This past fall I was challenged and stretched in the best of ways as I substituted in the local high school. I enjoyed getting into the public arena and getting to know more people in this community. I loved connecting with the kids and even when I felt the challenges was going to overwhelm me, God was faithful. He helped me over, around, or through each mountain I faced!

Every New Years I enjoy looking over the past year and asking God to show me the “theme” of the year. In 2007 Psalm 23 was my mainstay. The Lord is my Shepherd and I can walk in confidence of His leading. I Corinthians 2:12 speaks volumes to me this very day, “Now we have received not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God that we might know the things that have been freely given to us by God!” (Thank You Billy for sharing this with me!)

Yes, this is my big lesson as I look back over 2007. I wasted TOO much time and energy in doubt and weakness when God’s Spirit had showed me want to do. I believe 2008 will be a year of Jubilee as I walk in confidence of the Lord.

2007 concluded with a major blessing from the Lord – a dear couple in my church gave me a computer! God does so make me smile as I love to write and I miss not having my computer to express myself through writing. (Yes, old fashion pen and paper work for my journaling but typing is faster when your thoughts need to just flow!) I felt the prompting and desire to write and I told the Lord (he! Isn’t it great, God loves us even when we are not lovable?) “If you want me to write I need a computer.” No lie – not even a week later, the Lugo’s called me up and offered me a computer as a gift!!! THANK YOU Sandy and Ray for being God’s agent of blessing to me!

I am excited about 2008 – and that excitement as only been birthed a week after New Years! I want more of Jesus this year! I pray this for you too!

Abundant Blessings of Joy and Peace to all of you!

Tammie & Baby Kitty J “Fat Kitty!”


Hey Tammie:

So glad to catch up with you and hear about Italy (my family's origin) and what the Lord has been revealing to you. God is so awesome. As you saw in Italy I saw in the USA West, His created beauty is a mere reflection of himself and I was awed to see it this year in new places. Come see me soon and we will ride the mountains of Georgia and see more!
Hugs, Janice

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