Birthday Week

It's a special week for three of my nieces and nephews.  I wish I could be there to celebrate with each of you; on the other hand, i would have to run a few miles to work off all the extra calories eaten.  My sister-n-love is amazing in caking making so I could hardly have just one piece.

Each of you will hear many times, "I can't believe you are that old!" --- at least while you are under 25.  After that it gets more exclamatory: "You are HOW OLD?!" This makes you wake up in the middle of the night wondering, "Was that a good or bad comment?"

I guess the surprise hits us more than it affects you.  To us who state those words, the reality of how this makes US feel old is what is really being digested.

So this year, since I have been the world's worst aunt - I forget birthdays - I am blogging a "Happy Birthday" post for you!   (I truly only remember a handful of Birthday's, that gene is weak in my system or something.)   
I hope you each have a very special Birthday, with a bunch of special surprises that fill you with Joy and Laughter!  

So, Happy Birthday to my sweet nieces and nephews!!  I Love You All and I am SO Proud of You!

Love Your True Colors B!

Pretty Princess H!!

Girl, You are Terrific T!!


Melanie said…
The girls/boy say Thank you!!

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