He's in the Details

About to take off again to our Ladies retreat this weekend.  Last year, I was drenched in goodness from the LORD.  I anticipate another blessed weekend this year.

Much has transpired in a year.  Overflowing joy, blessings, unexpected experiences, heart ache, disappointment, growth, transformation... and it's only been a year!  Interesting the way the journey has unfolded.

I remember last spring my soul was overflowing with fresh insight, deep joy and excitement.  Through the pain in the later half of the year, God brought about deeper understanding, greater freedom and clearer focus upon my identity in Christ.  James 1:2-4 could have been the banner over my head late Fall '11 and Winter '11-'12.

It's a good place to be, I value the lessons experienced.  I truly "...lack nothing!" in Christ.

Lately I have been preparing to attend a conference about pastoral care and ministry.  The material I have been reading has both challenged and encouraged me to live in and by the Spirit.

"If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit." Galatians 5:25

Guess what the theme of the retreat is this weekend?   LIFE IN THE SPIRIT - from this exact verse!

 I think God may be involved... He is good with details like this. :-P

So.... I am anticipating what He has this weekend... I will give a post on it when I return.

Until I return... bye-bye my beloved bed! 


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