What A Year!

What a great year this has been... I like milestones.  I enjoy making a milestone.  Stopping, looking behind a bit, observing... listening, rejoicing over what God has done and is doing.  Last year I posted the 36 Top Memories post.  The year before that I was at the beach with a dear friend.  (I think I liked that Birthday location the most!)  It is fun and good for my heart to do this.  So... bare with me. Here we go again!

I love birthdays! I don't necessarily need a big party or lots of attention... though I LOVE little surprises and thoughtful notes and beautiful flowers, but for me it comes down to simply celebrating God's gift of Life.  We are all significant to Him... to the God of the Universe, the One who calls the stars by name... He knows us intimately and wants us to know His love and walk with Him.

I guess that that is what has been driven home this past year more than anything.  God is with me.  It is a small, sometimes trite little phrase, but when we grasp that tightly, deeply... it changes us.  It has changed me and given me a firm place to stand.

As this Truth unfolds in me, He keeps taking me deeper... to know His Favor... it is my joy and privilege in Proclaiming it!  To pull up to His Table and Feast upon His Goodness and Love; the abundance of His presense!

So much has been revealed to me this past year.  My cup truly runs over with delight!

And just in the last few weeks He has been uprooting fears that have been embedded into my hard drive.  Truly, we have nothing to fear but fear itself.  I paralyzes us.  He, the Good Shepherd, guides us and gently comforts us with His rod and staff.  His rod and staff are not to beat us, or harshly correct us.  Psalm 23 says, "His rod and staff, they comfort us!"... I love that!  I just saw that last Sunday as I was driving home after a weekend ministering to some brothers and sisters.

I love how He loves me.... "We love Him because He first loved us."

So No long list this year of 37 things...  here I go, moving onward to 38.  God is Good... I want to grasp His great love  more and more in this next year... and I can't wait to share how He does that!!

Happy Birthday to Me!


notpoems said…
Is your birthday actually the 14th? I didn't realize it was so close to mine...which is the 23rd! :-) "God is with me" ... I'm working on learning that this year. Or rather, He's working on teaching me. Thanks for sharing the reminder.

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