Super Cool

Good News

I have a New Computer... well, kind of.

Bad News... my MAC died, literally... it bit the dust. I did not think MAC's could do that... but I guess nothing is invincible.  Remember, The Titanic: never forget it.  Nothing is invincible.  Except Jesus!

So, I have to share... I feel so completely covered by Him.  You see... I believe it was a God-thing that my computer died.  I had been feeling this growing guilt in my soul over how I was using my computer too much for... nothing.  Wasting time, energy... His Time, His Stuff.  I was feeling a serious... addiction! I could not make myself stop! So... I asked Him to help me.  July 4, my computer died.  At first, I felt a little anxiety... I had been working on school stuff! But then, I believe His Spirit moved over my mind and heart and I heard a thought rise.  "I am not going to waste emotional energy over this, God's is over it. I will rest in His Care and believe it will be alright."  That was that.  I was not even upset!  Of course, I pursued some avenues to find a resolution, to fix it.  But there was nothing but peace in my soul.  I even knew it may cost me ... but again I had peace.  I saw it clearly as God intervening, to help me pull away from depending on my computer antics to meet my emotional hunger.  He is good; I found peace.

My Mac went to the Mac Hospital - a techie store in town.  I went home, enjoyed more time to be still, read, and see how much time I actually had available to listen.  It was good.

I did loose all my data... or rather, it is tightly held in the old harddrive and could not be retrieved... even in this... i find a peace.  For one, it cost me less.  For two, though I lost a lot of stuff - papers, reports, pictures, and personal journals (which are the most precious loss to me), it does not feel devastating.  For this I am thankful.

I did get a BRAND new hard drive that is twice as big and powerful as my original one AND it is updated so it feels like a brand new computer! It is clean too... as they replaced my old cracking keyboard... it's like a Fresh Start! I think that is super cool!

I can only say, Thank You Lord for taking care of me, giving me a helpful discipline to shut down and get myself in better shape, and providing me exactly what I needed.

"In Everything Give Thanks!"


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