Nehemiah 4:14

I am a little behind this month in posting my Scripture memory verse.  My computer dying was the main culprit.  My posts are beginning to be few and far between; this does not mean I have nothing to write about, but that I have not had many precious hours to sit, marinate and digest all that is going on.... so much!

This last weekend I went to FL.  I have much to share on that but for this post, I will post my memory verse... before I do that I have to explain why I chose it.

I was so blessed to hear my younger brother preach this past Sunday.  Something he shared spawned the significance of my new verse challenge.

Romans 6 tells us "Do not offer any part of yourself to sin as an instrument of wickedness, but rather offer yourselves to God as those who have been brought from death to life; and offer every part of yourself to him as an instrument of righteousness."  

To borrow some of my brother's words, "... the way to freedom is through death..."  Yet the biggest challenge is to realize we are deeply deceived at times... most of us can't see the lies in our own life.  The Enemy's goal is to make us passive; to passively allow strongholds to remain in our life.  We do this by believing... even passively... that God is not good.  The lie of the Garden; if this is where we live from, we are not living in freedom.  We must ask the Lord to shine His light into the dark places where seeds of misbelief, or disbelief and doubt are planted.  They will (DO) produce a harvest!  Doing things God's way requires us to take off the old dying man...the dead flesh and put On the New Risen Life of Christ.  "(God's) not going to dress up our flesh!"

It is a process of taking off and putting on... it is a process of healing, daily.  It is a process of inviting Christ into EVERY Area, Corner, Dimension, of our being.  And... it is an birthing by the Spirit... and a Growing process by the Spirit. Man cannot do it; only God can... we must turn and believe.    

So... my verse speaks to the passivity... and the desire to uproot each and every lie within myself...and those I love... and to let faith rise up and overcome! Nehemiah 4:14b:

 “Don’t be afraid of them. Remember the Lord, who is great and awesome, and fight for your families, your sons and your daughters, your wives and your homes.”


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