His Strength is Perfect

Search for the Lord and for his strength;
continually seek him.
Psalm 105:4

This short nugget of truth met me last week. I love how intimate and perfect God is - HE is who comes after us while we are lost going round and round in our own "wisdom." This verse reminded me that my weakness is quite "strong" - stubborn and blind; it robs us of what God has for us. His Truth showed me my reflection and I didn't like what I saw; He mercifully met me with His righteousness and strength. It is available to me, as HIS Child, and I stood up in that and know the change in me. I love it! When we, as Children of the King, don't walk under HIS covering and HIS clothing - we are choosing to wear our own filthy clothing - it is rather stinky, torn, dirty, and a cumbersome burden! Throw it off!! HIS strength is perfect in righteousness, light, easy, and beautiful!! PUT IT ON!


Patti said…
Brought to mind the choir song "His strength is perfect when our strength is gone. He'll carry us when we can't carry on. Raised in His Power, the weak become strong. His strength is perfect when our strength is gone."

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