The More I Seek You - Kari Jobe

This song is one what just captures my heart.... and I cannot even sing it without tears coming to my eyes....oh how I want this to be my prayer, my life.... my all. Oh, Lord... I seek you and I seek YOUR FACE.... may i see you more clearly today... may I help others to see how beautiful you are!


Melanie said…
LOVE Kari Jobe!!! My sisters will be going to a conference soon..and she will be doing the worship..awesome!
Stephanie said…
Tammie what a spiritual moving song. While Kari is singing the song you just sit an visualize sitting at His feet basking in all His glory.
Let Love Grow said…
OH i would LOOOOOOVVVVEE to attend that conference!!
Melanie said…
Kari Jobe is a Worship Pastor at Gateway Church, Southlake, TX. Pastor Brady, the man who now pastors New Life....came from Gateway. Soooo...Gateway worship has been a big fav in this family!!! LOVE it! Desperation is held annually for young teens and young adults. My sisters attend every year. I think...they did one at my bros church in Alabama one year. I would love to go!!! :)

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