The Master Potter
"As they pass through the valley...they make it a place of springs..." This past week has been a valley week for my family and I. As some of you know who are close friends, our little Oliver Isaiah never breathed into this world, but breathed in the breath of Heaven - seeing Jesus before any of us got to meet him here on this earth. To say the least, it has been a shock. A little baby....gone. Many thoughts, many emotions, many tears....and yes, questions; yet the evidence of God's grace in the midst of the trial is undeniable. The loving arms of the Body of Christ, of family members - helped bring comfort as they wepted with us in the sorrow. In times like these, questions do rise, comments are said that make you think and of those comments that kept coming out was "this will help you as you minister to others..." I tried to process this comment...I know that God uses the things in our lifes to enable us to be able to touch others...b...