

I am itching to blog.  Trouble is, I have not had one of those wonderful "bubbles" float through my schedule this week.  So, here I sit, in an empty classroom, awaiting the arrival of students to pour through my door.  I have enjoyed an empty classroom for the first part of this day. 

This morning my brain was in a fog; my arms and legs felt like they had bowling balls tied to them as I woke up.  Symptoms it's been a full week, and I have a full weekend ahead, which is a blessing yet no bubbles. 

Last night I had a ton'o fun attending a painting class!  My masterpiece was a copy of Monet's Field of Poppies.  Seriously an experience I want to repeat.  Yet my creative painting friend nearly had to hold me up when I realized it was 9:10PM, and I was still painting... no wonder my paintbrush was so heavy!

The night before, I had a friend over, the night before my wonderful community group, the night before another friend and tea.  All so sweet, all such lovely evenings... and tonight, friends from out of town are dropping in for pizza, s'mores, and sweet catch up time.  Then the weekend with two young men of elementary ages and energy levels of firecrackers.  I anticipate knocking out a Saturday list with them in tow.  Hopefully holding off bordem,avoiding too much tv and video games, for all of us.

Such is my life!  And my house is not even decorated for Christmas yet... that's a quandry every year for me.  I like the pretty tinsel, I like to celebrate Jesus... I want my neighbors to see this testified through sparkly lights and festive wreaths... yet, I don't relish demantling, and de-decorating.  It's worth it I know.  I do. Really.... really... :-P

So much Life, So many blessings... In the middle of pushing through the fog, My Sweet Jesus touched me through a simple little word.... 

Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die;” John 11:25, NIV

He reminded me he makes things personal; in the magnificence of His Love, His God-ness... He sees me. 

I am her...

Thank You Lord, Oh Thank you!


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