Peaceful Sunday Eve

Care to join me for a Sunday evening chat with a delightful cup of hot tea?  It's the perfect evening for it.  I recently bought a "Night Time Tea Herbal Blend" tea and discovered it is my new favorite!  It's very smooth, mildly spicy and softly cozy.  Perfect treat as you snuggle down for a quiet moment before bed.

Loving Fall, as it has come in it's fullness this last week or so here in Columbia, South Carolina.  It's Fall when you use the blower instead of the mower to do yard work!   I blew off my yard on Friday and it looked like it was in need of another blowing this afternoon.  Instead I gathered up some pine cones and kindling to light up a fire in my fire pit.  A friend stopped by and he graciously offered to finish the process.  We soon had some flames licking up the needles and my flip-flop baring feet enjoyed the toasty heat from a few inches away from the fire pit.  Lovely.

So I smell like smoke now, as I drink my Night Time Tea.  Can you smell and feel and taste my evening?

The afore mentioned friend who helped me with the fire also has adopted Riley!  Yeah! I am so happy to have found a good home for my little furkid.  I already miss the little booger, but I offered to "babysit" if it was ever needed.  His new owner sent me a note just a few minutes ago saying he thinks "Rye" is going to like his new home.  I believe he will!  Thankful the Lord continues to take care of me and little (and big) things that concern my heart and mind.  He is so good to me!

Speaking of that, God has given me a fresh new joy over John 1:12:

But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name

I am a child of God.  He gave me the right to be HIS CHILD because of Christ! He continues to take me deeper and deeper into understanding my identity in Him.  It is honestly breathtaking.  

Recently the small group I fellowship weekly with read through a Bible study that thoroughly covered some basic yet profound truths.  

God ~ Created All Things thus He has the right to control, judge and be worshipped.

The Enemy ~ Because of pride, wanted to be in God's place - to control, judge and be worshipped.  God threw him out of Heaven.

Man, created in God's image, blew it in the Garden and followed the Enemy ~ thus we desire to control, judge and be worshipped.  This puts us in the Enemy's camp.

Christ, God the Son ~ Came to earth, became a man, laid down his rights to control, judge and be worshipped to overcome the enemy and sin, thus redeeming mankind.  He won through becoming weak!  God conquered through humility: love does win.  

"Before honor comes humility"

Something about this very basic explanation has so amplified the Beauty of Christ to me, I am left speechless!

For it pleased the Father that in Him all the fullness should dwell, and by Him to reconcile all things to Himself, by Him, whether things on earth or things in heaven, having made peace through the blood of His cross.
Colossians 1:19-20


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