Three Words

My first Post for 2012 has to do with reflecting upon 2011.  Three Words to capsulate the year behind:

Different.  It definitely ended differently, held some very unexpected turns and twists that both delighted and disappointed.  All of which were covered with God's love and grace.  He gives More grace each day to process both the blessings and the burdens.

Growth.  Growing does not mean physically(thankfully!) but mentally, emotionally, spiritually.  I hope to grow everyday of my life; this means transformation.  This also means I am still ALIVE!  This year, this happened because of the afore mentioned blessings and burdens.  Through some unexpected turns, disappointments and mishaps, I realized, sometimes in a painful way that God was using some trials to purify and mature me.  By His goodness and grace (again! Thank You Lord!), He continues to gently, patiently grow me up.

Favor.  I rejoice in the lavish Favor of my Lord!  He spoke this to me last January, it continued all year through - even when the hard things came around - I felt a steady hand upon me.  He is NEAR in all seasons of life, He walks with us, never leaving us alone, through each one!  As we hold His hand, and are comforted by His Staff and Rod, we discover His Table set for us in some of the most odd places.  I love what He is shown me in 2011.  His Goodness and Mercy followed me all the way through... and will never leave.  He knows what I need, He understands when I do not.  His wisdom is far greater, His Ways far Higher, His thoughts not mine but I love it when He shares them with me.


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