First Days of Fall

Hi Friends!! It is officially the second day of Fall, the weather here in SC at this moment reads 89 degrees; it's still quite hot - but hints of Fall are all around.

This past month I have had an extra guest in my house; her name is Tracy and it has been a HUGE blessing to my heart to have her stay.  God knows what we need; how thankful I am for friends.  Over the past year and half she and Jamison, another sweet friend, and I, have been enjoying a growing friendship.  All of us are single, all over 30, all experiencing being a student AGAIN, each of us has a unique personality and each of us have come to appreciate, celebrate and treasure the value of needing each other in our lives - for balance, health and fulfillment.

God designed us to need each other; people come and go in our lives.  Relationships grow, shrink, disappear and morph over the years; being single, the need for connection and belonging is magnified.  I know many married folks who feel alone and long for connection as well - yet being single... we find ourselves as the odd one out at times.  Who do you sit with in church? Table for two?... disqualified from "family rates".... even in the church, singles can feel very... SINGLED out.  Feeling accepted, or that you belong, is something that can be very very lacking.  As I said, i know many married peeps who can say whole heartedly, "uh, yeah, loneliness doesn't stop with marriage."  Anyhow... these two women God has brought into my life are an amazing blessing to me.  It has been beautiful to see our relationship grow; we find it very special indeed, that we as a three-some, find sweet connection with each other and fullness of fellowship when we are just one on one, or when all of us are together.  Laughter is a major part of our time too; just last night they had me busting my gut.  I seriously thought I was going to loose it; thankfully my proper feminine dignity was not lost.

Richly celebrating being together! (Jamison is on the Left, Tracy on the  Right)
Tracy, like me, is an animal lover.  Sasha has enjoyed having her around too, as this has brought her a lot more play time and loving attention.  Sasha has learned to even enjoy the cats!  Tracy has a little companion named, "Mishu" (which, by the way, means "Kitty" in spanish!! ha!).  Mishu likes to have some time outside.  My backyard is nicely fenced in so he gets to go romp (well, he is kind of old, so he looks like a raccoon, with a hump back and slow methodical movements - so that isn't exactly how I picture a "romp") around in the back under close observation... Sasha is a quick learner but I don't know if she totally gets that the cat doesn't want to play.... But, for the most part, Sasha is very gentle towards this little old man.  I got a great picture of them yesterday....

As for my Baby Kitty, she thinks she has a right to go outside now...  we will see how long that continues.

My fall semester schedule is nicely full of variety.  The Lord is blessing me with time and opportunities to connect and build relationships.  My schedule feels very much like potpourri; but I like it and it smells nice :-)

This past week I joined a ladies Bible study; we are using a book called "Me, Myself and Lies" by Jennifer Rothschild.  I am hungry for some direction in my Bible reading; this study is a refreshing choice.  I was hugely blessed through the video teaching last week from Genesis 11.  She plucked out the verse in which it says they used bricks instead of stone(11:3).  Hmmm, I honestly had NO clue where she was leading us.  As she pulled our hearts and minds together, I was challenged and blessed as she pointed out the tendency we have to make a name for ourselves using our good and bad gifts, talents, habits, accomplishments, history... when God has called us HIS; I Am what He says I am and I don't have to make a name for myself - He calls me His Own and gives me a New Name, His Child. Complete. Whole.  When we try to build something ourselves... it really only becomes a bunch of babel.

She unpacked this truth phenomenally.  I took note of the ways God has been working, speaking and teaching my heart through my personal thoughts and times with Him lately.  I was amazed, again, how God dovetails everything in our lives to reveal Himself to us.

I look forward to using this study to draw near to His heart more.  I am anxiously waiting for my book to arrive in the mail so I can get into the daily homework of the study.  For today, I was blessed through Hebrews 13 and Psalm 119:41-48:

"Keep loving each other as brothers..... The Lord is My Helper; i will not be afraid...."

"May Your unfailing love come to me.... I will walk about in freedom, for I have sought out your precepts."



Billy said…
Glad to see you're posting again after a few weeks away.

You seem to get all there is to get out of your friendships, that's lesson in itself to me :-)

And I'm getting a little jealous of my friends with blogs sharing personal stuff- I'm gonna start a new page for MY stuff!

Blessings to you...
Billy said…
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Let Love Grow said…
somehow, your comment was posted/published twice... i erased the second one.

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