Psalm 40

Lately I have been so thirsty for time with God. I have noticed I have been having a hard time focusing lately. When you have a "routine" for so many years - even though it is a very significant routine - you may find yourself falling asleep because it is so routine. Well, over the last few months I felt I wanted to do something new with my quiet times with God, so I bounced around trying new things.... but then I wasn't focused and i lost some depth that I usually enjoy. So, I knew I needed to pull back and do what I have always done....and enjoy HIM. Last night I went to bed knowing and purposing and desiring to spend quality time with Him today.

I pulled out my familiar tools, a cup of coffee and drew up close to Him. I opened my Chronological Bible and picked up a few days behind where I should have been but I didn't care which date it said, I was just thirsty! Psalm 40 was the second Psalm for the date.... I didn't get much farther that that! He began to fill my cup and wet the dry places in my heart and mind. One of the most precious things I carried throughout the day today was from verses the New Living says,
"But may all who search for you be filled with joy and gladness. May those who love your salvation repeatedly shout, "The LORD is great!" As for me, I am poor and needy, but the Lord is thinking about me right now. You are my helper and my savior. Do not delay, O my God."

He is thinking about you right now! Innumerable precious thoughts.... more than the grains of sand on the beach. What a wonderful thing to know! I enjoyed that Word all day! So shall we all say together, "THE LORD IS GREAT!"


Melanie said…
So great!!! My relationship with the Lord has been so real that it is overwhelming. There is no work. When I get with Him..His presence is so strong right then. I think that I have gotten a real revelation of God in me. God is IN me. I always knew this..but it as if my eyes have been opened. God is IN me. IN. No waiting for Him to come. He is there ...always. Takes my breath away writing this. He is great! great post!
Let Love Grow said…
Awesome - simply, beautifully awesome Melanie!
Stephanie said…
As I stop by and read your post Tammie I can see how the Lord is blessing you. You have become a diligent seeker,you constantly thrist for his word. You are becoming more knowlegeable of his word. May the Lord continue to Bless you

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