ConnectedSoulGrief ~ Robin Williams

My soul is so grieved over the loss of Robin Williams.

It seems so odd that I would feel such grief over someone I did not personally know.  I know many grieve this loss, and deeply so.

So this morning I stopped and asked, why does this affect me so?

He connected with my soul.

There was something in Robin Williams, the characters he brought to life, that connected with something in me.  He made us laugh indeed, but his dramatic performances also made us feel, there was such an authenticity in his characters.   Some of my favorite films were Patch Adams, Good Will Hunting, Awakenings.   Some of his roles were not exactly where I stand on my values and convictions, so I can't endorse everything ethically and morally.  Sadly and obviously, the spiritual state and direction of our culture is expressed in the arts.  Yet as an actor, he was able to embody and connect us to the cry of the human soul; he voiced, questioned, made us feel, ask and laugh.  He bridged souls, hearts and emotion.

But maybe it was his deep pain and loneliness that truly connected us all. He laughed and was a delight, as there was a gentle, touchable soul behind his blue eyes.  He seemed to be the kind of person who could be that friend you could enjoy a long walk on the beach with, or sit silently in the backyard to watch the stars.  He was so transparent over the pain behind the humor, we could have been transparent right back.

Many years ago, I saw a clip from a stand-up act he did, within the few minutes of his routine, he made a very crass joke about our human form and design.  He mocked The Creator's design.  In that moment, I saw such agony and anger in him, towards God.  A sad soul, searching, asking, demanding and lost, laughing through the pain.

I saw the anguish of his soul and my heart broke for him.

I don't know if Williams ever really saw or heard his Creator as a Redeemer, Savior, Lord, but he hurt, so he made it funny.  We laughed along, maybe because we identify with the pain.

My heart breaks now as I know he has stepped through the veil of eternity, facing his Creator now.   The One who designed him, wonderfully and uniquely.  His Maker did hear, did see, and does love him.

He Loves You, and sees and hears...

I prayed for Williams over the years.  The day before hearing of his death, I had a random moment in which he came to my mind and I prayed, or I think I prayed, for him.  I wish I would have prayed more.

Now I pray for his family and all of us left who feel such deep grief as I.

And I must rest the unknown in my Makers arms, and trust eternity with God who is compassionate and gracious, full of mercy and truth.  He alone is God, and there is none other than He.

"But You, O LORD, are a God full of compassion and gracious, long-suffering and abundant in mercy and truth." Psalm 86:17


DeDe said…
Well said, so very sad, I hope he cried out to God in his final moments!!!!

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