Sidewalk Chalk
Summer is approaching. I have two weeks of teaching left. FYI - God blessed me with a long term assignment working in a middle school classroom. He takes care of me like that! These past few weeks have been pretty good, then this most previous week HIT. It was about the longest week of my life, or it seemed like it. My students seemed to forget the normal procedures; chaos broke out in my classroom like a bad case of teenage acne. By Wednesday I arrived home in quite a tizzy. As I tried to see through my flustered emotions, it was fuzzy as to the actual root of my frustration. It was more than a crazy classroom of pre-adolescence! Realistically I had been trying to hold a rising issue under water with one hand. Then I realized... It's MAY: May is NOT my favorite month as stated in previous posts. I am facing some major shifting in my relationships. Friends and acquaintances that I had not the time...