Pumpkin Party

Oh Fall, how I love you....

It's God gift to me to live in South Carolina.  I never thought I would love living somewhere so much.  Sure, people make a place wonderful and God has definitely blessed me with a sweet community of friends.  And, yet, He has also blessed me with delight in the place.

Growing up in Florida was great.  I went barefoot most of the time, wore shorts and tanks or my swimming suit 90% of the time and liked it.  But I have to say, experiencing a change in seasons, the sweet smell of spring, or brightly colored leaves falling as you enjoy a walk through the woods or the smell of a wood burning fire wafting through the neighborhood and sometimes a snowfall, is serious joy to my heart.   My wardrobe is definitely growing to meet the need, though I could do with some more warm layers.

This Fall was even more accented with a Pumpkin party I co-hosted.  I was inspired by my sister in love in Florida, a native Colorado gal.  She knows how to have a beautiful party.  I went to hers last year, loved it so much, that I wanted to begin doing the same thing -- that is if I could not attend hers!  So, this year, I did!

My friends, the Taits, were generously gracious to open their home and yard to be the place of the party.  Ms. Trish and I collected and shared ideas to put it all together.  It was fun!  

We wanted everyone to enjoy the party, including the kids.  We put together a kids' craft table with paints, and play-dough, and stickers to decorate mini-pumpkins.  

Pinterest was helpful in finding decorative, useful ideas such as setting up the s'more fix'ins!
 Who knew it could be so pretty?

We had a few yard games, which I got schooled in by Chris... oh well, I will practice more for next year's party.

 Mason jars, pebbles, and tea lights were the outlining decorative element of the night.  Thanks to the Pioneer Woman's blog I have a new love for mason jar uses.  So simple, so perfect!  We hung them throughout the yard, and along the banister of the deck.  I think I could have just sat by the fire and watched them twinkle all night!

I was happy that a motley crew of friends showed up!  
 I love introducing friends to friends.  It multiplies the joy!

 And of course, the center of our gathering was the fire pit.  
We sat on soft hay bales and lawn chairs that circled the fire, ending the evening with worship led by two guitar playing musicians... so blessed were we!

It was a good start for my first pumpkin party tradition.  Can you call the "first annual pumpkin party" a tradition?  I want it to be!  My sister in love has a few years on me but I am anticipating doing it again next year!  Oh, and we CANNOT forget the amazing food!  We had about a dozen different pumpkin dishes to enjoy - from best of show, a pumpkin cheese cake, to pumpkin Hershey kisses to pumpkin soup and pumpkin thai curry... it was so good! 

Thank You, Melanie, for inspiring me!  I hope you can do a pumpkin party next year... I know your family and friends missed it this year.  :-)


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